Error Msg | Error Msg ZH | Memo |
SYSTEM_CANCEL | 系统撤单(默认) | Default Error Message. Also include scenes: Solicited Cancellation by System or Operation Staff. 默认的拒绝错误文案。也包括系统自动执行的或者运营人员执行的撤单操作。 |
USER_CANCEL | 客户自主撤单 | The customer initiates the order cancellation actively 客户主动发起的撤单 |
RISKLIMIT_CANCEL | 风控撤单 | Covers order cancellations caused by trading rule restrictions (such as changes in risk - preference levels, IOC order situations, liquidity protection, etc.) 涵盖交易规则限制(如风险偏好等级变化、IOC 订单情况、流动性保护等)导致的撤单 |
BLOCKED_CANCEL | 账户禁用撤单 | Cancellation due to the account being disabled 当账户被禁用时执行的撤单操作 |
CLOSED_CANCEL | 交易所闭市撤单 | Cancellation when the exchange closes urgently 交易所因紧急情况闭市时进行的撤单 |
OFFLINE_CANCEL | 交易对下架撤单 | Cancellation when the trading pair is delisted, 交易对下架时进行的撤单操作 |
SELF_TRADE_CANCEL | 自成交撤单 | Cancellation to avoid self-trade 为避免自成交而进行的撤单 |