API Reference

Spot Trading Endpoints

Order Status

  • NEW - New order, pending to be filled
  • PARTIALLY_FILLED - Partially filled
  • PARTIALLY_CANCELED - Partially filled and Partially cancelled
  • FILLED - Completed filled
  • CANCELED - Order cancelled
  • PENDING_CANCEL - Pending order to be cancelled
  • REJECTED - Order refers to the rejection of an order during the order matching process. For example, when a user places a limit maker order, if the order cannot be executed as a maker, the system provide a REJECTED status.

Order Types

  • LIMIT - Limit order
  • MARKET - Market order
  • LIMIT_MAKER - maker limit order

Order Direction

  • BUY - Buy order
  • SELL - Sell Order


  • GTC(Currently only supports limit orders)
  • IOC(Currently only supports market orders)