Weight: 1
Request Parameters
PARAMETER | TYPE | Req'd | Example values | DESCRIPTION |
symbol | STRING | Y | Name of the contract | |
fromOrderId | INTEGER | Order ID | ||
type | STRING | Y | The order type, possible types: LIMIT, STOP | |
startTime | LONG | Start Timestamp | ||
endTime | LONG | End Timestamp | ||
limit | INTEGER | 20 | Number of entries to return, max 500 | |
recvWindow | LONG | recv Window | ||
timestamp | LONG | Y | 1714311403031 | Timestamp |
Response Content
type = LIMIT
time | LONG | 1714403283482 | Timestamp when order is created |
updateTime | LONG | 1714403283501 | Last time this order was updated |
orderId | INTEGER | 1674930571497840128 | Last time this order was updated |
clientOrderId | STRING | 99999999980001 | A unique ID of the order. |
symbol | STRING | ETHUSDT-PERPETUAL | Name of the contract. |
price | FLOAT | 3000 | Price of the order. |
leverage | FLOAT | 5 | Leverage of the order. |
origQty | FLOAT | 10000 | Quantity ordered |
executedQty | FLOAT | 0 | Quantity of orders that has been executed |
avgPrice | FLOAT | 0 | Average price of filled orders. |
marginLocked | FLOAT | 6000 | Amount of margin locked for this order. This includes the actually margin needed plus fees to open and close the position. |
type | STRING | LIMIT | The order type, possible types: LIMIT, LIMIT_MAKER, MARKET_OF_BASE |
side | STRING | BUY_OPEN | The price type. Possible values include INPUT and MARKET. |
timeInForce | STRING | GTC | Direction of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE. |
status | STRING | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
priceType | STRING | INPUT | Time in force. Possible values include GTC,FOK,IOC, and LIMIT_MAKER |
ordCxlReason | STRING | Order cancel reason |
type = STOP
time | LONG | 1714403283482 | Timestamp when order is created |
updateTime | LONG | 1714403283501 | Last time this order was updated |
orderId | INTEGER | 1674930571497840128 | Last time this order was updated |
clientOrderId | STRING | 99999999980001 | A unique ID of the order. |
symbol | STRING | ETHUSDT-PERPETUAL | Name of the contract. |
price | FLOAT | 3000 | Price of the order. |
leverage | FLOAT | 5 | Leverage of the order. |
origQty | FLOAT | 10000 | Quantity ordered |
type | STRING | STOP | The order type, possible types: STOP |
side | STRING | BUY | Direction of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE. |
status | STRING | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
stopPrice | STRING | 3000 | Average price of filled orders |
Liquidation Response (To be released soon)
isLiquidationOrder | BOOLEAN | true | Whether the order is a liquidation order |
liquidationType | STRING | "LIQUIDATION_MAKER_ADL", "LIQUIDATION_MAKER", "LIQUIDATION_TAKER". Available when isLiquidationOrder is true | |
indexPrice | STRING | Index price. Available when isLiquidationOrder is true |