API Reference

Get Sub Account Futures Open Orders

Weight: 1

Request Parameters

symbolSTRINGYETHUSDT-PERPETUALName of the contract
fromOrderIdINTEGERDefault 0Order ID, start from Order Id
typeSTRINGYThe order type, possible types: LIMIT and STOP
subAccountIdSTRINGY1673782460192774144Sub Account ID
limitINTEGER20Number of entries to return, Max 500.
recvWindowLONG5000recv Window


type = LIMIT

timeLONG1714403283482Timestamp when the order is created
updateTimeLONG1714403283501Last time this order was updated
orderIdINTEGER1674930571497840128Last time this order was updated
clientOrderIdSTRING99999999980001A unique ID of the order.
symbolSTRINGETHUSDT-PERPETUALName of the contract.
priceFLOAT3000Price of the order.
leverageFLOAT5Leverage of the order.
origQtyFLOAT10000Quantity ordered
executedQtyFLOAT0Quantity of orders that has been executed
avgPriceFLOAT0Average price of filled orders.
marginLockedFLOAT6000Amount of margin locked for this order. This includes the actually margin needed plus fees to open and close the position.
typeSTRINGLIMITThe order type, possible types: LIMIT, LIMIT_MAKER, MARKET_OF_BASE
sideSTRINGBUY_OPENThe price type. Possible values include INPUT and MARKET.
priceTypeSTRINGGTCDirection of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE.
statusSTRINGNEWThe state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED.
timeInForceSTRINGINPUTTime in force. Possible values include GTC,FOK,IOC, and LIMIT_MAKER

type = STOP

timeLONG1714403283482Timestamp when order is created
updateTimeLONG1714403283501Last time this order was updated
orderIdINTEGER1674930571497840128Last time this order was updated
clientOrderIdSTRING99999999980001A unique ID of the order.
symbolSTRINGETHUSDT-PERPETUALName of the contract.
priceFLOAT3000Price of the order.
leverageFLOAT5Leverage of the order.
origQtyFLOAT10000Quantity ordered
typeSTRINGSTOPThe order type, possible types: STOP
sideSTRINGBUYDirection of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE.
statusSTRINGNEWThe state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED.
stopPriceSTRING3000Average price of filled orders
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