API Reference

Get Futures positions

Retrieves current positions.

Weight: 1

Request Parameters

symbolSTRINGETHUSDT-PERPETUALName of the contract. Return results for all symbols if not specified
sideSTRINGLONGLONG or SHORT. Direction of the position. If not sent, positions for both sides will be returned.
recvWindowLONG5000recv window

Response Content

symbolSTRINGBTCUSDT-PERPETUALName of the contract. Return results for all symbols if not specified
sideSTRINGLONGPosition side, LONG or SHORT
avgPriceSTRING100Average price for opening the position.
positionSTRING20Amount of contracts opened
availableSTRING15Amount of contracts available to close
leverageSTRING5Leverage of the position
lastPriceSTRING100Last trade price of the symbol
positionValueSTRING2000Current position value.
liquidationPriceSTRING80Forced liquidation price
marginSTRING20Margin for this position.
marginRateSTRING0.2Margin rate for current position
profitRateSTRING0.0000333Rate of return for the position
unrealizedPnLSTRING0Unrealized profit and loss for current position held
realizedPnLSTRING6.8Cumulative realized profit and loss for this symbol
marginTypeSTRINGISOLATEDMargin type. Possible values include CROSS, ISOLATED
minMarginSTRING2334.344{Depreciated} Min margin. Implies the maximun value allowed for deduction. Will rename to"reducibleQty" next iteration
reducibleQtySTRING2334.344Min margin. Implies the maximun value allowed for deduction.
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