Weight: 1
The current endpoint requires to enter parameter "type" to query LIMIT or STOP order type. If do not specify type, only LIMIT type result will be returned as default
Request Parameters
PARAMETER | TYPE | Req'd | Example values | DESCRIPTION |
orderId | INTEGER | REQUIRED for clientOrderId when not sent | 1674945624754144000 | Order Id |
clientOrderId | STRING | REQUIRED for orderId when not sent | 99999999980002 | Client Order Id |
type | STRING | Y | LIMIT | Type |
recvWindow | LONG | 5000 | recvWindow | |
timestamp | LONG | Y | 1714311403031 | Timestamp |
Response Content
type = LIMIT
time | LONG | 1714403283482 | Timestamp when the order is created |
updateTime | LONG | 1714403283501 | Last time this order was updated |
orderId | INTEGER | 1674930571497840128 | Last time this order was updated |
clientOrderId | STRING | 99999999980001 | A unique ID of the order. |
symbol | STRING | ETHUSDT-PERPETUAL | Name of the contract. |
price | FLOAT | 3000 | Price of the order. |
leverage | FLOAT | 5 | Leverage of the order. |
origQty | FLOAT | 10000 | Quantity ordered |
executedQty | FLOAT | 0 | Quantity of orders that has been executed |
avgPrice | FLOAT | 0 | Average price of filled orders. |
marginLocked | FLOAT | 6000 | Amount of margin locked for this order. This includes the actually margin needed plus fees to open and close the position. |
type | STRING | LIMIT | The order type, possible types: LIMIT, LIMIT_MAKER, MARKET_OF_BASE |
side | STRING | BUY_OPEN | Direction of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE. |
timeInForce | STRING | GTC | Time in force for LIMIT orders. Possible values include GTC,FOK,IOC,LIMIT_MAKER. |
status | STRING | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
priceType | STRING | INPUT | The price type. Possible values include INPUT and MARKET. |
ordCxlReason | STRING | Order cancel reason |
type = STOP
time | LONG | 1714403283482 | Timestamp when order is created |
updateTime | LONG | 1714403283501 | Last time this order was updated |
orderId | INTEGER | 1674930571497840128 | Last time this order was updated |
clientOrderId | STRING | 99999999980001 | A unique ID of the order. |
symbol | STRING | ETHUSDT-PERPETUAL | Name of the contract. |
price | FLOAT | 3000 | Price of the order. |
leverage | FLOAT | 5 | Leverage of the order. |
origQty | FLOAT | 10000 | Quantity ordered |
type | STRING | STOP | The order type, possible types: STOP |
side | STRING | BUY | Direction of the order. Possible values include BUY_OPEN, SELL_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, and SELL_CLOSE. |
status | STRING | NEW | The state of the order.Possible values include NEW, PARTIALLY_FILLED, FILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_CANCELED, and REJECTED. |
stopPrice | STRING | 3000 | Average price of filled orders |